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2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement
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2022 Joint Contract Interpretation Manual
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2024 NY Metro Union Calendar
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ABA Website
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APWU Benefits Program
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APWU Constitution & Bylaws
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APWU Health Benefits (FEHB) Guide
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APWU Health Plan Website
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APWU Health Plan: 2025 PSE CDO Flyer
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APWU Health Plan: 2025 PSHB Plan Flyer
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APWU Health Plan: CDO Dental Insurance Flyer
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APWU Health Plan: Resource Directory
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APWU Health Plan:
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APWU Northeast Region
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Accident Benefit Association (ABA) Claim Form
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Addendum to VER/incentive Q and As 2/18/25
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BQnet / All Postal Job Descriptions
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CAMPAIGN: Build a Better Post Office Documents
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Career Clerk Craft Rights & Benefits At A Glance
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Career Maintenance Craft Rights & Benefits At A Glance
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Career Motor Vehicle Craft Rights & Benefits At A Glance
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Change of Residency Address Form
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Contact Your Legislators
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FEHB 2023 Open Season
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FMLA- Employee Short Form
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FMLA- Family Member Short Form
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FMLA- Military Caregiver Short Form
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FMLA- Military Short Form Short Form
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FMLA- New Child Documentation
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FYI: Focus Group
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File a Step 1 Greivance
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Filing a Claim with OWCP
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Find Your Local Representatives
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Hatch Act
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JOIN THE UNION! 1187 Form (Authorization for Deduction of Dues)
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Join the APWU Organizing Flyer
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Migrant Surge Response Toolkit
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New Employee Orientation Agreement between the APWU & USPS
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New Member Orientation Checklist
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Online Join Guide for Local & State Leaders
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Organizing Materials Order Form
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PS 1221 / Advanced Sick Leave Request Form
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PS 1224 / Court Duty Leave Form
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PS 1260 / Non EBR Card Form
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PS 13 / Buck Slip
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PS 3189 / Change of Schedule Form
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PS 3970-D / Request to Donate Leave Form
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PS 3970-R / Receiving Donated Leave Form
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PS 3971 / Leave Request Form
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PSE Rights & Benefits
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Pay Scales 2021-2024
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Postal Employee Relief Fund (PERF)
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Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB)
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Q&A- In-Service Examinations, Register and Eligibility Ratings
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Request for Light Duty Form
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Shop Steward Application
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Thrift Savings Plan
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USPS Handbooks & Manuals
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USPS National Employee Emergency Hotline
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Union Plus Benefits Brochure
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Union Plus Benefits Brochure - en EspaƱol
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Vital Papers
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Voluntary Benefits Brochure
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Welcome to the APWU
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